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Financial Translation Services in View of EU Banking Union

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Financial Document Translation Services

Financial document translation services play an important role in international business and international law. Based on European Council and Euro Area summit conclusions at the end of June 2012, the European Commission published its Banking Union proposals on 12 September. In summary, the proposals introduce a single supervisory mechanism (SSM) that will cover all Eurozone banks. In this way, the home State/host State distinction will be no longer relevant, as all Eurozone banks will be “domestic”. The proposals form part of a wider initiative to complete EU economic and monetary union (EMU). Related negotiations are already underway to revise EU-wide capital requirements for the banking sector and deposit guarantee/insurance, as well as to establish an EU bank recovery and resolution framework.

The EU institutions will adopt the Banking Union Regulations using different procedures:

The European Parliament adopted a Resolution at its plenary session on 13 September expressing its disapproval of the procedure for adopting the ECB Regulation by stressing that:

“... any major change in supervision, including shifts to other institutions, must be accompanied by an equivalent increase in transparency and accountability of such institutions vis-à-vis Parliament, which must have full questioning rights and full powers in relation to appointment and budgetary procedures.

Subsequent developments, namely the limited progress at the latest meeting of EU leaders on 18-19 October, provoked further, harsh criticism from the Parliament during a plenary debate on 23 October. Meantime, various heads of state and government have expressed their doubts about whether the remaining hurdles can be overcome in time for formal adoption of even a revised SSM at the European Council meeting on 13-14 December. The ECOFIN meeting on 13 November was inconclusive.

Progress will depend largely on whether the Member States can resolve their differences on a number of aspects, particularly those expressed by Germany and vocal non-Eurozone states such as Sweden, Poland and the UK. A key issue for Germany is to avoid a single deposit guarantee scheme for the Banking Union. Recent comments by ECB Chairman Mario Draghi may signal a willingness to defer this aspect of the proposals. Swedish and Polish concerns about how non-Eurozone countries can participate in ECB decision-making may prove more difficult to resolve.

The UK government broadly supports Banking Union, but faces opposition from certain members of its own party. The UK’s financial services sector also continues to voice concerns about: (i) the cumulative effect of EU proposals on the competitiveness of the EU (primarily UK) financial services sector; and (ii) a system in which the UK is limited in its power to influence rules set by other states that do not have a significant financial services sector. Similarly, recent criticism by British politicians and senior officials over the EU approach risks jeopardizing Banking Union negotiations.

Thus, in summary, the key points for financial services and insurance practitioners to keep in mind:

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