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Global Document Translations for Expatriates and the Tax Code

Tax Document Translation Services for Expatriates

We’ve blogged about multilingual document translation services for expatriates in light of the US tax code, and about corporate translation and the issue of double taxation. In order to not be required to file a US federal tax return, a US citizen living abroad must register their name as expatriate status with the Federal Register. Typically anyone living and working abroad whose net income meets the required net worth or tax liability test is required to report and pay taxes on their foreign-earned income. Exceptions to this rule include anyone renouncing their US citizenship and/or terminating their lawful US permanent residency status for which the IRS has received information on from one or more of three listed sources.

The three listed sources include: any federal agency or court which collects taxes, the Secretary of State and ‘the federal agency primarily responsible for administering the immigration laws’.

In order for an expatriate client to avoid paying US taxes, an ample amount of proof will be required. First and foremost, a copy – with a foreign language translation – of their foreign income and taxes paid will have to be filed. More so, any double tax treaties that may be applicable will also have to be cited. If the expatriate has denounced their citizenship or residency – typically by taking on citizenship in another country – proof of this must also be provided. If proof of citizenship is in a foreign language, a foreign language translation should also be submitted.

Contact our language translation agency to inquiry about worldwide professional translation services for FCPA and white collar investigations, cross-border litigation and other corporate matters.

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