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Foreign Language Translations, CyberLaw and International Information Operations

Professional foreign language translation and foreign language interpretation services are essential for successful operation both within set international law and between various foreign information operations.  From foreign language interpreting during negotiations to reading and understanding potential cyber security threats worded in a foreign language, foreign language translations are a vital part of international information operations.  As the Internet has no borders, any law that attempts to govern or protect cyberspace is invariably
going to involve international law.

One particular example of this is the area of International Law for Information Operations, commonly referred to as IO. By definition, information operations encompass both offensive and defensive actions that attack or protect information systems. Needless to say, since the world has turned its focus on the war on terror, Information Operations are a priority component to international security.

China is one nation that is currently re-defining its “defense” system to include an army that mans computer monitors in order to defend and protect its information operations. Likewise, the US Department of Defense has over 2 million computers and 10,000 local networks dedicated to this task. But, just like in a traditional armed conflict, a cyber conflict involves international conflict laws, negotiations and political maneuvering.  For example, the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) can be applicable to Information Operations. And within this framework accurate foreign language translations become even more fundamental for the international information operations and in the process of averting cyber threats.

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